"Astrology is Nonsense"


"I got my whole Astrology chart done, and it helped me make sense of a lot, but a few things are just completely untrue. Why does only some of my Astrology make sense?"

A: There are several possibilities I've discovered so far.

1. Premature, late term, or induced labour; you didn't get the combination of placements and aspects, which you and Creator had originally planned. This causes you to instinctively reject parts of yourself, as you think, feel and thus know, that you didn't plan to have these experiences in these ways.

2. Unlike in all, or at least most ancient civilizations, we generally no longer get our charts done at birth, and so we no longer have the guidance they provide, throughout all of the stages of our lives, which positively enhance all of our learning experiences, while also allowing us to enjoy pleasant activities and surprises. And so, we sometimes never re-learn, or we lose sight of our lives paths. Living in a Free Will Universe, we make unwise decisions which cause us years of misery, or a dark night of the soul.

3. A more esoteric reason, is the manipulative forcing of re-incarnations outside of ones chosen path, by extra-dimensional entities, which used to occur massively on this Planet. This was a practice which was done by chaotically aligned beings, which has now been stopped by Prime Creator / Prime Creatrix of this Universe. Be aware of the difference between chaos and dissonance; yes, a certain amount of dissonance is required in life, for the souls growth towards complete karmic resolution, and thus the ultimate harmony of reunion with the Divine.

The easy news is, that we do each have the inherent ability, and the duty to ourselves, to recognize that all types of zodiacal energy are open to us, if we're willing to work with them, in the right ways and at the right times, as is of Highest Good within Free Will.

We each have the power to not only survive being where we don't want to be in life, but to figure out how to thrive in new ways.
