No Cords / Attachments / Cables. Inter-relatedness
We're all empowered to make such declarations and free ourselves from the exhaustion of energy vampirism, if we allow ourselves to recognize our own inherent empowerment.
As natural, sovereign beings we uphold and continue to create within the Natural Law system.
I fully, lovingly, and gently, disentangle and dissolve all attachments and cords between me and all forms of life. The energies of the aforementioned are all converted into pure Natural Law energies.
I have and maintain, the love from and with the inter-relatedness of all life. I have no desire and no need to have energetic attachments such as cords, cables, or any other appropriate descriptor, attached between myself and any other lifeform.
Such spiritual biogenic architecture, if in use between any forms of life, can perpetuate cycles of energy vampirism by its nature of visual limitation. I, like all life, am meant to share love as and how it is needed, without the manipulations which are inherent in etheric attachments. Etheric attachments can cause, in the subtle bodies and in the physical bodies, weaknesses such as co-dependency, and a false sense of lack, along with other false senses such as superiority or inferiority.
Love is the highest of Natural Laws, and is not dependent upon wars of quantification, as if it were meant to be competitive feeding of energies from one end of a cord to another. Love is a wave which moves freely, not a cord, or a cable, or an attachment of any sort.
And so, I declare myself now and always, free of all attachments, and free to choose when and how I experience the inter-relatedness which is sharing love with myself and others, only as and how needed, so that all life of and surrounding me, is healed.
I now record all of the aforementioned into Natural Law.
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