A Free-Flowing Energy System, with no chakras
This is one type of internal energy body / bodies those of us who don't have chakras have made ourselves free to create.
You can choose your own energy system; it's up to your free will. You can choose to get or keep chakras through your belief that they are the only choice for you, or you can be as creative as you want, while still experiencing the inter-relatedness of the collective consciousness.
You should see how much I confuse reiki and other chakra-based healing practitioners. They have the impression that "my chakras are blocked", yet at the same time, when they go to clear them, they can't figure out why they can't find them, until I tell them. At which point, they're often in disbelief, because they have been misinformed that all people who practice things like good karma have a chakra system. I feel compassion for them, because I know that as with many things, including beliefs and experiences I've had, they're mistaken. They believe that everyone has a chakra system, because without one, they would be dead.
It's neither impossible, nor scary to have no chakras. I still accurately work with my pineal gland, heart based energies, or whatever, like anyone, whenever I want to.
I've noticed that sometimes, people who speak about chakras a lot, and often enjoy energy healing modalities, also tend to speak a lot about how much of a struggle it is to keep cleansed. They give the impression that while they have similar beautiful transcendent experiences as I do, those experiences also often feel too intense, causing them to regularly struggle with things like grounding and concentration. I can't help getting the impression that at least some of them, would be better off changing their energy systems in whatever creative ways they would choose.
I find it's enough to work with my meridian system and aura. This may help to explain, especially for those of you who I've facilitated healing sessions with; for energy healing, essentially I use my entire body as if it were one "chakra". The idea of having energies encapsulating each organ feels like it would be cages of trapped energy, which is a dangerous way to also trap negative energies in a body. Physics explains how free-flowing energy works for better functionality and the same is true of our bodies.
I know other people who have similar experiences to me, and I've helped a few people to understand all this, and learn different healing modalities.
Please note: Nothing I write on this and other subjects is meant to try and cause trouble for anyone. I am not in competition with anyone for, "who is the better new ager" or any of that immature nonsense. Different strokes, as the saying goes, right? And, we're all still learning. I've been wrong about some things, and I'm sure I'll be wrong about more, but who cares? There's so much beauty in the journey anyway.
Further learning on this subject from those who've spoken of it: Look up the work of George Kavassilas, and also Lauda Leon (not a typo; her name is not Laura). I remember Georges book and I've read few things so relatable.
Thanks for reading all of this, and please feel free to make comments 🙏💜.
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