Are twin flames real? A multiversal answer, and healing practice.
The short answer is no.
The long answer has to do with people misunderstanding what women and men are to each other.
As I write about here, in the distant past, a wall between Universes was broken. The Universe we live in, a free will Universe, was invaded by a chaos Universe. Both Universes were designed with different Natural Laws, which, by how I describe them, should be fairly easy to understand.
As the invading Universe, the chaos one represents an energy of action; masculinity. Every living thing, including all females, contains some masculine energy. Because of that invasion, the masculine energies in this Universe began to be programmed with an essense of chaos. The Universe went from a place of masculine energies embodying an organized and loving form of active protection, to being infuzed with perversion. That's because this Universe was never originally designed to explore chaotic forms of masculinity such as things that all decent people here consider to be forms of abuse.
As reincarnation cycles have continued over the ages, men and women have struggled to understand each other well enough to have healthy relationships, to the point where we now have cultural memes such as, "Men are from mars, women are from venus". For most of history and pre-history, though other people have intuited the multiversal invasion, most people had and have no idea that this is the root of why women and men have so much trouble relating enough to get along more often.
Even though everyone contains both feminine and masculine energies, clearly, females contain more feminine energies, and males, more masculine. So, in a way, this melding of multiversal energies is more intense for males. Esspcially when, even often in aware communities, men are not treated with the same kindness and care as women are, when they are suffering and seeking spiritual healing.
In this Universe, reincarnation was originally simply a tool for having different experiences. People didn't die of old age, they only died if there were a horrible accident. Reincarnation became a series of efforts to resolve the original karma which was caused by the Multiversal invasion. Along the way, karma continues to pile up, as people incarnate in unawareness, and sadly, usually live entire lives unaware.
Karma became dogma, and new age programming became entrenched. Now, we have entire communities filled with "healers" who truly believe that it is their mission to "heal" people by instructing them on how to cope with living their lives obsessed with one person who is their "twin flame". The belief is that two people are tied together for all of time, and are each half of a soul, so they need each other. Sadly, most of these so-called "healers", are so traumatized themselves, that they became programmed to behave the way they do, and most of the time have no idea how much they are hurting people.
Twin flames may just be the most unhealthy scam in the new age, and that is something that those of us of a new age bent all need to understand and admit to. Whenever we see people encouraging others into these damaging programs so that they stay in unhealthy relationships, or maintain obsessions, we need to call it out. We need to offer to help vulnerable people learn to truly heal, and be kind to themselves again.
With empowering practices such as making declarations of positive feelings and actions, as I give examples of on my blog, everyone can learn to not depend on any other person for love. There are many ways of healing and learning to be free. You don't have to be stuck, and tied to anyone. There is no Natural Law in this Universe that says you have a "twin flame", who you must spend your lifetime in misery because of, to finally, maybe reunite with in this or some other lifetime. In fact, those who perpetuate such nonsense, are violating Natural Law. You can learn ways to heal, make peace and let go. You also need to be protecting your energy. I recommend starting with this.
You are your own twin flame. You will never find that kind of connection outside of yourself. The integration of each persons internal feminine and masculine energies is vital to this Planet. Together, the masculine and feminine energies within each soul make the one flame of the self.
We are no longer to accept, and popularize "twin flames". No more glamorization of co-dependant, abusive relationships.
I, (your name), hereby state to this Universe, and enter into my Akashic Records, that I now, and for all times and versions of non-time, in all forms of reality including dream realms, astral realms, and the waking world, de-program myself from any and all notions of the energies associated with the popularized, modern new age term and practice of twin flames. I do not and will not allow myself to feel as if I owe energies to any other person. I do not and will not allow myself to ignore red flags, such as any narcissistic forms of abuse. I now promise the innermost, Divine part of myself, that I do not, and will not ever believe that I have a twin flame. I have / will have a healthy soulmate romance in my life.
[A note on divine complements: The energy of this term is different than twin flames, for me. This term refers to two people who decide to incarnate in order to embody a healthy example of a romance, with a collaborative mission of teaching others. Jesus and Mary Magdalene are one such Christed couple.]
Dangerous, Ego-ridden New Age Trash
The following video includes science about the connections between people who have sex, and unhealthy relationships.
A bit more indirectly related to the topic of twin flames; polyamory is as immoral as cheating. One person is with a second person, then person one sleeps with a third person. The third person feels the chemical bond that was made with the second person, which they don't share. That confusing, unexpected feeling of a third person spiritually, yet not physically, present in the sex act, manifests itself as cheating. Poly-amorous people believe they are not being selfish, but their behaviour is scientifically a form of betrayal.
(Just replace the parts about sex after marriage with sex in any monogomous commited relationship, and ignore the same-sex comments, and this video is perfect.)
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