Intimate Spiritual Diary, Entry 6 - God, People Who Function as Black Holes, Death & Reincarnation, Disincarnate’s, and Two Universes

TLDR; I don’t care about delusions, ghosts pass through me, and I finally (I think) understand Unity Consciousness.

Death is for real, yet also isn’t.

We incarnate as completely original people, every time.

We’re part of the Great All; The Universal Mystery Mind.

We’re here as God/dess-sparks, to enjoy new experiences, as carbon & water.

This type of existence is also for karmic resolution, yet not in the way that many think.

Not in the way I used to think.

I thought that, after I recovered some past life memories, that in between my lives, while healing and preparing for my next incarnation, I would be in some way the person who I am now; mostly this ego-spirit who types this to you.

I felt fear, when contemplating the idea of what I’m about to tell you. I feared death.

I feel peace and acceptance now, at what I’m about to tell you. Thank you, Scorpio Season. I’ve learned.

After each death, the ego-spirit of each of us is fully re-absorbed into The Universal Mystery Mind. More on what happens after death later in this article.

I must appear to digress for a paragraph, so please bear with me. I speak of the being whom many refer to as Prime Creator. I now call it The Universal Mystery Mind, as that’s more descriptive of how I experience It. I feel this energy in a meditative space as a glowing ball of shifting, soft light which can change colours, yet is usually yellowish. This feels like a more ancient, timeless being than the Archangel Jophiel who is viewed as being associated with the yellow light ray, in the modern Archangel rays system. It’s my thinking and feeling that this ball, with it’s (benevolent feeling to me) tendrils reaching out and connected to each incarnated life form, is a hub of Universal energy - essentially, basically the “One God” which each religion strives to worship. This can be likened to the central processing unit of a computer, yet it is of all Universal organic reality in this Universe. It’s possible that this is only my experience of relation to it, because I am an organic being. It appears to be located in the Orion Constellation, of which I’ve had visions since I was a child. I saw space being torn open between a boundary of this Universe and Another Universe. Others have spoken of knowing similar; Wes Penre is one example. There were wars involving what we might think of now as ships similar to those in sci-fi. I think that some of them were fully organic. Many people have spoken of this, including those who claim to be augments, otherwise known as super soldiers. It’s postulated that this Universe is known as a Chaos Universe, while this one which we inhabit, is a Free Will Universe.

I don’t know for certain whether or not anything I just said in the last paragraph is true. I don’t know if it’s a mass delusion, or if it’s real.

And that doesn’t matter.

What matters is that we talk about these sorts of strange experiences with others.

That we honour each others lucid, and thus valid views.

In a way, I’m a liminal space.

I’m one of many people who don’t have the seven chakra system (which I write about in Intimate Spiritual Diary, Entry 3 - To Chakra, or to Shockra?); I have an energy system of an EM field (obviously, as all life each has their own), and free flowing, uncaged energies within my physical body. I’m one of many people who don’t have the seven chakra system (which I write about in Intimate Spiritual Diary, Entry 3 - To Chakra, or to Shockra?); I have an energy system of an EM field (obviously, as all life each has their own), and free flowing, uncaged energies within my physical body. Dark matter / black holes / quantum singularities, are all energies of transition from one form of reality to another. And synonyms for a person who exists sometimes as a liminal space.

I currently [get it; electrical current? ;)] think and feel that as my energy flows so freely, I naturally have gathered the energies of ghosts (who prefer to be called dis-incarnates) within my body, while in unawareness. I think that it’s possible those who have the seven chakra system also do this work, yet it won’t feel quite the same for them.

I must remind myself to regularly communicate with dis-incarnates, to help them to fully cross over away from me and from this Earth, to the Divine, Greater Mystery Realm; to God. As dis-incarnate beings are parts of dead people who are confused and hurt, I explain such to them. I tell them that they are trapping themselves in this realm, because they won’t let go of their life which has ended, and that this is not a place for them any longer, because they no longer have access to their bodies. I convince them that it is time to move on. I explain that people here usually can’t sense them because most of what made them alive; their carbon and water, is no longer electrical. Once I do this all, in seconds I feel them release.

You might wonder, where do they go? What is life after death like? It’s not for each of us to know, unless we have near-death experiences, or our ultimate, death experience.

Going back to what I was saying about the after death state, I also don’t know for certain whether or not this is true, though it is my centred experience at this time that it is. Within the Universal Mystery Mind, it is decided to create new life forms. Vastly different people than who the re-absorbed energy was. Parts of the already actualized-into-physical-reality, lives which have been re-absorbed, are re-combined into a new spirit, for a new existence as a flesh-and-blood, carbon and water based life-form on this Planet. When I realized this, something finally clicked into place within my mind. This is precisely the reason for why so many of us (everyone who I have ever spoken with about reincarnation over the past two decades) can only recover parts of our past lives. We only recover enough to help us on our paths, while we are here. We’re only supposed to know the information initially build into our bodies, which can further our karmic resolution on a harmonic path.

This is how karmic resolution is, not as many think, an egotistical false notion, but a selfless job that each of us agreed to complete, through as many incarnations as it requires. These re-incarnations are because of the war which happened between this Universe and another; they repair the damages caused.


It’s simple.

Acts of kindness = acts of love.

Ask any esotericist who has educated themselves (especially those who have Aquarius or Uranus prominent in their Astrology chart), and you can notice that they’re right when they speak of the importance of Universal Consciousness. They’re not always talking about trans-humanism.

I could have allowed myself to feel poorly that this I AM presence / ego will not exist after this life.

That I won’t be remembered as this person, with my signature personality; quirks, logic and all.

I was able to decide not to.

I decided to instead, dwell upon the beauty of everyone essentially being exactly the same being, at the core of this Universal, and Multiversal reality.

There is a serenity in knowing my ultimate reward of returning to The Universal Mystery Mind, which I have often sought to express through my poetry, yet which I feel I have not fully expressed.

That doesn’t bother me either.

I love having more to learn, and thus different ways to express love.
