Jokes About the Veil, Disincarnates, The First Saturn Return, And Learning Properly

TLDR: Stop being stupid about the veil, listen to Saturn, and help disincarnates.

I’m starting to wish that people who haven’t had their first Saturn Return yet, and those older who didn’t learn much from it, would stop laughing at people talking about the veil. They imply nothing happens at times like Samhain, because, “It’s a veil, it’s always thinner LOL!”

The Saturn Return is a period of life where many things are falling apart. This happens for two and a half years, during the ages of 28-30. Saturn has returned to it’s original position as per your natal chart. Saturn returns two or three times in life. The first time is the beginning of Astrological adulthood. We get really serious about who we are, we can mature, and are held more to account. Responsibilities and new realizations seem overly-challenging. We feel weighted down by responsibilities. Life gets hectic and not in a way we want.

I got divorced, moved and had to change jobs during my Saturn Return. My insomnia worsened and my chronic pain grew until I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. In other words, my Tower fell.

Handled properly and consciously, Saturns return can later teach us valuable ways to manage our thoughts, emotions and actions about how we may be able to individually mark the world. At the age of 43, that was certainly my experience.

Returning to the topic of the veil, look at the chaotic mess that is the state of the world right now.

If you’re one who makes those jokes, do you actually think that spiritual things are any simpler?

You know that you can measure the thickness of fabric, right? Even a veil can be made thinner, until it fades to dust. That’s actually some of the time travel stuff that’s real; ghosts / disincarnates (a few of them have told me they prefer the latter term) trapped in their time (via their memories), who come through so that we can help them to properly cross over. That’s why you feel a cold spot; essentially a time travel region of a room, where a disincarnate is, forlorn or angry, and usually confused.

I suggest that if you feel one, you step back out of the cold spot out of respect, and help them heal from the traumas they experienced while alive. I explain that with their strength and will, all they have to do is think of being in a happy place, and they will be there. I feel their release from me. Say, "In gratitude, I hope you have an abundance of all you truly want, within the confines of equity of all energy exchanges."

Sometimes, this is an angry spirit, and it takes more coaxing to get it to cross over.

I can’t find a single Astrology book published after 2010 that wasn’t so basic, or so filled with misconceptions and errors that I would be embarrassed to delineate a chart with it. There probably are a few which I just don’t know about as there are so many, but the farther you go back in time, the more detailed and fascinating they are.

If low on funds, plenty of older and excellent books are available to borrow or download on Internet Archive. Leave a comment if you’d like a list of my recommendations (most of which will be Astrology books).

“Don’t have time”, with work, family and chores? Most of you also watch tv, right? Just cut down on some tv time and replace it with being a little bit disciplined learning something new. If you are before your Saturn return, this will ease it at least somewhat.

And don’t believe people who mope about saying, “Saturn never rewards.” He does, if we practice being disciplined with something.

We just have to find the will, and work with the proper tools which are all available, in order to receive those rewards. That’s not always pleasant, but it is a fair energy exchange.

Try to find more life balance, and things will be easier. Not a cake-walk of course, but not the hell which is characteristic of the first Saturn Return.

If you feel called out, please know I only do it to help.
